The Mother of All Writing Market Books

600 Homes for Your Family, Parenting, and Women's Articles, Essays and More

Did you know that you can write one article and sell it again to dozens of different magazines all over the world? And yes, editors know you are doing this. It’s not a secret, just something that's not very well known.

I’ve worked with all of these magazines, many of them multiple times. Some of them buy my reprints on a regular basis and some ask me to write original pieces. Some have paid me for the exact same article every few years because it just fits with what they need for a particular season. (Check out my post "Magazine Article Jackpot: How I Earn Over $500 for Each Regional Parenting Magazine Reprint")

I've compiled all the most current markets in one spot (saving you so much time!) and I keep hunting down more. This book contains 416 8 1/2 x 11" pages ready for you to print and put in a binder.

I offer COMPLETELY FREE UPDATES to this book on my blog, The Published Parent, because I've been writing for magazines for about 15 years and know the industry.

You can join my free Facebook group at any time. It's where current and aspiring writers and editors hang out, vent, discuss, explain, and ask for help.

I’m The Published Parent, I love words, and I most definitely enjoy helping others launch their freelance writing careers while working another job, raising a family, homeschooling, traveling, grandparenting—you name it. Check out what some others have to say about this resource... 

"Kerrie's book was my introduction to the world of writing for regional parenting publications. Her encouraging tone comes through to readers ... She is helpful to readers who ask questions, funny as can be on her blog, and doesn't hesitate to share her real-life experiences to help her readers succeed. Who doesn't want that?" — Rhonda Franz, writer,

"[This] is a phenomenal resource for both those just beginning to toy with the idea of trying to get published and experienced writers alike. Kerrie McLoughlin's advice launched my writing career to a whole new level." — Rachael Moshman, writer,

"Kerrie makes it easy for aspiring writers to break into regional and national parenting magazines. Full of information, awesome tips, and positive energy, this book was a great source of inspiration and encouragement. I sold four articles quickly and easily as a result of her timely tips. And that's just for starters!" — Christine Shuck, author and blogger,

"Are you a writer who wants to be published in regional parenting magazines? Then this book is for you. No question. The information in it is worth every penny and as soon as you make ONE sale, it pays for itself." — Jan Udlock, writer/virtual assistant,

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